Learn the context and become richer for it.
“To understand where Jews are coming from you need to understand how to approach things from the Old Testament — the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the writings and the prophets,” said Ben Martin, an Alabamian who serves as a Christian worker among Jews. “It’s the context in which Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples on the road to Emmaus.”
Once you learn to share within that context, “you are richer for it,” he said.
Understand the difficulty Jews have.
“There has been a barrier between Christians and Jews throughout history,” Martin said, starting with Jesus Himself and continuing through the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust.
“Ask them humbly to consider what’s true,” he said. “Not Christianity — they think of persecution or Catholicism, which they consider idolatry.”
Instead, he said, ask them to consider Jesus.
“Scripture is authoritative in people’s lives,” Martin said. “Ask them to look at Moses, the prophets and the writings to see the revealed Messiah. Look with your heart, and you will see.”
Display the sincerity and love of Jesus Christ.
“They are people, and they meet people as any other people,” Martin said. “Build relationships with them with a sincerity of heart and not as a ‘Jewish scalp’ to earn for the Kingdom.”
People can introduce people to the Messiah and let Him change them, he said.
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