Unborn pain bill slated for vote June 18

Unborn pain bill slated for vote June 18

A key piece of pro-life legislation needs the voices of those who believe that "we ought to do all we can to save vulnerable lives in the womb."

Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, issued an alert June 17 for a vote slated Tuesday on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the House of Representatives.

The House Judiciary Committee approved the act, H.R. 1797, in a 20–12 vote June 12.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would "ban abortions of unborn babies who have reached 20 weeks post-fertilization or later, except in cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother," Moore noted. "This bill would be a major step toward protecting the unborn and upholding the sanctity of every human life, no matter how small."

Moore called for urgency in contacting representatives "to vote YES on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act." The number for the Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121; to send an email, go to http://capwiz.com/ethics/issues/alert/?alertid=62729411&type=CO.

"The basis for the bill is credible medical research demonstrating that unborn children can feel pain by 20 weeks after fertilization — if not earlier," Moore said in the action alert. "Yet even though we have substantial science confirming the reality of unborn child pain, babies at this stage of development — and even much later — can legally be aborted today in many places in our country. Now is the time to end this horrific practice." (BP)