Valleydale deacons, elders meet pastoral candidate Brunson tonight

Valleydale deacons, elders meet pastoral candidate Brunson tonight

Update to story below (May 20, 2018) — Mac Brunson was voted in as pastor of Valleydale Church, Birmingham, this morning.

By Jennifer Davis Rash

The Alabama Baptist

Mac Brunson admits that moving from a megachurch pulpit where he was preaching to at least 6,000 people each Sunday to shepherding less than 1,000 people in a Birmingham, Alabama, suburb is a unique move. But it’s one he and his wife, Debbie, are embracing with enthusiasm.

Valleydale Church, Birmingham, deacons and elders had the opportunity to meet the Brunsons tonight during a dessert fellowship. Other church members will have opportunity to meet and talk with them tomorrow and Saturday. Brunson preaches in view of a call Sunday morning.

“This is a God move,” Brunson said. “Every church is critical and key in the kingdom of God. … I’m excited to be able to pour into the lives of others now that I’m in my 60s and have finally grown up,” he said with a chuckle.

Debbie Brunson said she has heard Valleydale described as a sleeping giant, one with great potential that she and her husband hope to help do “incredible things for the Kingdom.”

The Brunsons commended the staff and lay leadership for their sophistication, thoughtfulness, organization and love for missions. “This church knows how to do community,” Mac Brunson said.

Jeff McGukin, executive pastor, looks forward to what is to come.

“Dr. Brunson is a great communicator and a humble leader,” McGukin said. “The people are excited and it’s almost unbelievable. We believe God’s in it.”

Assuming the vote is in favor of calling Brunson as pastor on Sunday, Brunson said his first order of business would be to sit in on a staff meeting just to observe and learn what is being done now and get to know the people. There also are things to do such as find a house and make the move. The anticipated first Sunday in the pulpit for Brunson is July 22.

Editor’s Note — Photo is of Mac and Debbie Brunson right before they entered the evening dessert fellowship at Valleydale Church, Birmingham, on May 17. (Photo by Jennifer Davis Rash)