Winston Baptist Association on mission

Winston Baptist Association on mission

Winston Baptist Association sponsored a group of 76 people on a missions trip to Johnson Chapel Baptist Church, Elkton, Ky., July 12–19. The group hung Sheetrock, installed wiring, painted and put the steeple on the church that had burned in 2007.

During backyard Vacation Bible School that the group did in the area, one person accepted Christ as Savior.

Winston Association also sent a team of 14 — including Director of Missions Al Hood — to Bethlehem, South Africa, Sept. 4–15 to work with Open Bible Baptist Church and Southern Baptist representatives David and Carla Bickers.
This was the third year of the association’s partnership with South Africa.

The team participated in door-to-door evangelism, Bible clubs for children, carpentry work on the church building and crusades held every night in a tent.