BANGKOK, Thailand — A consortium of Asian Baptist seminaries has elected a Singaporean woman as its president and admitted a Japanese seminary to its membership.
The board of the Asian Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary (ABGTS) elected Lilian Lim president and agreed to admit Japan Baptist Theological Seminary in Yokohama, Japan, as a member during its meeting July 12–14 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Lim served as ABGTS board chair before her election as president. She is the first woman, and only the second Asian, to serve in that capacity for the 46-year-old consortium. She was elected to a seven-year term. The seminary consortium was founded in 1959 as part of the missions work of the then-Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). When that group — now known as the SBC’s International Mission Board — pulled out of ABGTS in 1999, Baptist-related Mercer University in Macon, Ga., helped keep the consortium afloat.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) has also supported the ABGTS through scholarships and the work of Rita Mashburn, CBF Global Missions envoy.
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