Chette Williams, a longtime Auburn University football chaplain, died Dec. 15 after falling into the water at Lake Martin while getting off his pontoon boat.
Jack Kinley, who served more than 64 years as a pastor, died Nov. 24. Later in life after losing most of his sight, Kinley started Vision Tape Ministry, which distributed Christian materials to visually impaired people around the world.
“Wherever I am,” Pauline Hall of Aliceville said, “that’s my missions field.” She volunteers with a prison ministry for women, has been her church’s pianist for 37 years and was the church’s administrative assistant for 23 years.
Ron Butler – who died Oct. 29 – retired in May after 44 years of serving churches in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. He served as pastor of Pine Level Baptist in Chatom and Spice Pond Baptist in Eight Mile.