Pastors: A quick tip
Is your church plateaued or declining? If so, your church is part of a growing segment of churches. It is sad and this ought not to be. I am convinced God wants every church to grow, no matter the size or location (Matt. 28:18–20; 1 Tim. 2:4). While this can be a complex matter, here are a few simple tips that may get your church back on track.
Tip #1: Don’t try to disguise the lack of growth by re-shifting the focus. Someone in the car business told me years ago that “if cars are not moving, move them around (the lot).” Churches have been known to use this tactic as well.
Tip #2: Be honest and admit there is a problem. Avoid talking about what a great church you have and how everything is going great if it isn’t.
Tip #3: Meet with appropriate groups in the church and analyze your current plan for growth. If you do not have a plan for growth, develop a plan. I suspect the churches that are not growing either have no plan or are not working the plan they have.
— Chip Warren, ministry leader
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